Monday, July 1, 2013

Eight days in Barbados

I have kept myself remarkably busy over the past week. I've been soaking up the sun on the gorgeous beaches, meeting locals, writing and taking dive photos for two magazines, and diving, when not relaxing at ocean front pubs and enjoying the incredible views. 

The weather in Barbados is very hot at the moment, ranging from low to mid 30s.  On my third day here, I found myself, as a Canadian, wishing for cold weather for the first time in my life.  The African sun was hot, but in Barbados, the shade seems to offer little refuge as I try to make it to the beach to either dive, snorkel or swim just as much to cool off as to enjoy the ocean. Thankfully, we recieved rain yesterday which cooled everything down to a comfortable temperature, which allowed me to walk around through the city without stopping to drink a few bottles of water every half hour.  Today, the heat made up for the refreshing break, but I think maybe I am starting to adapt, or at least, I keep telling myself I will soon :)

While it might seem as though I haven't written in awhile, I have been spending a few hours writing each day for two publications, both travel and dive related.  With three stories currently already edited and waiting with the graphic designers before print, I will post my first Barbadian publication in the first week of August, when it is published here.  They had asked for a few dive photos for the cover, and I've submitted a number.  With any luck, the next issue will have three of my stories, approximately 8 of my pictures and maybe even the cover photo. 

 Beyond writing, diving, networking and exploring, I have been editting my dive video, which I will add to the diving section of this blog after posting this. It is still just a rough video, and my first, but hopefully you will see improvement as I continue to work with the programs and become more accustomed to my new camera.  Otherwise, I will rely on the professionals at the magazine and post their improved version of my clips.

Tomorrow I will be diving for another opperation and submitting a write up and video of the dive for a different publication, before preparing for our 4 day adventure which commences Wednesday!  Yes, we are still walking the perimeter of Barbados!  While I just assumed everyone we mentioned this brillent idea to would be anxious to join in on such a lifetime adventure, recruiting a third was surprisingly a very difficult task.  Finally yesterday, a fellow backpacker traveling through Barbados from Brazil agreed to join us.  We told him it was something everyone does when they come to Barbados :)

Just over one week in, life has been incredible here.  The deadly heat aside, there isn't one thing I would change.  As I stop for directions or to hear a story, Barbadians have been nothing but helpful and friendly.  While thier concept of time makes Figians and Kenyans seem quite punctual, the idea of always stopping to chat with whomever and not ever rushing, has already grown on me a bit and I find myself quickly slipping into the relaxing custom, most especially after coming to realize that there is rarely much point to arriving on time.

So here I am, one week in with much to do, many new friends and another incredible adventure ahead.  Life is great.




  1. Sounds so much fun then the dullg rey weather here...

  2. I love all of this! Have so much fun on your walking adventure! Stay safe - ask dogs for directions if you find yourself a bit lost. XX
