Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wiildlife unique to Barbados


Green monkeys originated in Africa and were first introduced to Barbados by slaves who brought over this fascinating breed of monkey as a pet.  After 75 generations of adaptation, the Green Monkey currently found in Barbados is home to Barbados alone as it has grown apart from its counterpart found in modern day Africa.

Not unlike other breeds of monkeys, the Green monkey has sometimes been described as mischievous as it wonders about in its seemingly sporadic ways.  It is said that the Barbados Wildlife Reserve was originally created to protect the existence of this species of monkey, but it escaped captivity and became naturalized.  Shortly afterwards, accusations were made of a green monkey causing an eight hour black out in Barbados on Halloween in 2006 after one allegedly climbed an electricity poll and tripped high voltage lines.  There was no direct evidence to support this accusation.

A stronger argument places monkeys to be amongst the most curious form of wildlife in the world.  A number of studies have shown this curiosity to be an innate characteristic of monkeys due to increased gray matter density in the precuneus part of the brain.  This curiosity to learn, and explore, is sometimes mistaken for mischievousness, as monkeys wonder around, picking people’s belongings and swinging from the trees in exploration, without any intention of causing harm.  

Do not fall victim to false accusations made against such a gorgeous creature, wonder out or visit the Barbados Wildlife Reserve to have an encounter of your own and decide for yourself.  You just might get lost in the moment as you play with or observe these curious and friendly monkeys.


The original Blackbelly sheep were first introduced to Barbados by the early European settlers and continue to be raised primarily for their lean, mild flavored meat.  Today, this breed of sheep, has grown apart from its surviving form found elsewhere and is unique to Barbados.  The blackbelly sheep found in modern day Barbados, has adapted to tolerate the hot weather and has more stamina than most other breeds of sheep.  Due to their ability to survive in hot temperatures, the blackbelly sheep differentiates itself from most other breeds of sheep in that their hair is course and cannot be used as wool and they breed all year round.

Blackbelly sheep, are widely farmed in Barbados and are not
difficult to spot.  Wonder about, cross some fields or drive any
major road and you will be sure to cross the path of a blackbelly
sheep.  You will know you have spotted one when you see a goat like creature with a brown colored fur covered body and black colored fur around the snout, eyes, ear and legs.  They are harmless, so feel free to pet or stop to take a picture.  It will be a picture you can only take in Barbados.

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